Colorado Collection Agency Surety Bond

This type of surety bond helps protect all persons, firms, corporations, LLCs, and partnerships entrusting to the licensee any account for collection, for which payment is to be made. The bond is required according to the Colorado Consumer Protection Section of the Collection Agency Regulation. Colorado Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (“CFDCPA”) regulates debt collection in the State of Colorado and is enforced by the Administrator of the Colorado Fair Debt Collection. The required bond amount varies with the minimum bond amount requirement is $12,000.00 and the maximum bond amount is $20,000.00. Surety1 has markets available that will write this bond without a credit check at a very competitive rate. 

To get your Colorado Collection Agency Surety Bond:

  1. Complete an online application.
  2. One of our expert commercial surety agents will call and email you with the firm quote and an agreement to sign.
  3. Provide payment and your signed agreement, then you will receive your bond!

** all bonds are subject to the underwriting terms and conditions of the issuing company.