This surety bond is required by the State of West Virginia Division of Highways under the provisions of The West Virginia Division of Highways Bond Form SM-6, Revised 5-19-05. This bond is used to ensure that the principal shall properly repair any and all damages that may result to said bridges, roads, highways, shoulders, and ditches, upon which it may perform work, to as good condition as when same was entered upon, as determined by the District Engineer of The West Virginia Division of Highways. The principal shall reimburse The West Virginia Division of Highways for all inspection costs incurred by it in connection with said work and repairs of such damages. The required bond amount varies, but regardless of the amount you need, Surety1 can provide it quickly and at a competitive price.
To Attain a West Virginia Highway Encroachment Surety Bond:
- Complete an online application.
- One of our expert commercial surety agents will call and email you with the firm quote and an agreement to sign.
- Provide payment and your signed agreement, then you will receive your bond!
** all bonds are subject to the underwriting terms and conditions of the issuing company.